River Ericht
The River Ericht flows through the town of Blairgowrie and on for a further five miles before it joins the River Isla at Coupar Grange. The Isla then flows on for several more miles before it joins the Tay, near the village of Meikleour at the famous Islamouth.
Permits for the Blairgowrie Rattray and District Angling Association for salmon, trout and grayling can be purchased from:
Kate Fleming, 26 Allan Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AD 01250 873990
James Crockart, 28 Allan Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AD 01250 872056

Ledcrieff Trout Fishery
Ledcrieff is a crystal-clear loch full of hard fighting, fully finned Rainbow, Blue, Tiger, Brook & Brown Trout up to 15lbs. Ledcrieff is preserved as a fly-fishing only loch. Having been rescued from a history of neglect many many years ago, the owners have restored it to the great healthy condition it is in today, with anglers coming from all over the UK to visit what has been described as Scotland’s prettiest small fishery.

Loch Faskally
The loch is approximately 4 km long and varies from 50m - 800m in width. The loch lies in a valley between two hills which makes it nicely sheltered. The water holds a good head of brown trout and native fish are augmented by a stocking in the 3 - 4 lb range, it's also known to have some monsters of 8 lb and more. Salmon and a few sea trout pass through the loch as they head up the Garry and Tummel systems. Trolling, fly, spinning and bait fishing are all methods used on the loch, trolling for salmon being very popular.

The River Tay
Cargill is one of the most productive and best-known beats for salmon fishing on the River Tay. The beat is divided into two double bank beats, upper and lower Cargill which are fished on alternate days with a maximum of six rods.
Permits can be purchased from:
Tay Salmon Fisheries, Stockgreen Lodge, Lairwell, Kinfauns Perth PH2 7JU 01738 636407

The River Ardle
The River Ardle flows south-east through Strathardle to join the Blackwater at Bridge of Cally where they form the River Ericht. There is a plentiful supply of salmon and trout on the Ardle.
Guests at Corriefodly and Blairgowrie Holiday Parks can enjoy free fly fishing for brown trout on a catch and release basis on the River Ardle when staying at the parks. Fishing must remain within the boundary of the park. Fishing for brown trout is only permitted between 15th March and 6th October between 8am and 10pm.